The Interdisciplinary Project “Cyber-Rumor Control Supported by Big data” Permalink
Used the machine learning algorithms like Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Support-vector machine, and Logistic Regression; applied deep learning algorithms su...
Used the machine learning algorithms like Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Support-vector machine, and Logistic Regression; applied deep learning algorithms su...
Used structural equation model; raised a hypothesis, and tested it by social surveys Verified the mesomeric effects of psychological capital and fear of...
Collected data from Web of Science (WOS) Used Gephi, VOSviwer, HistCite, Pajek and R to analyze and visualize network data, reflecting the academic deve...
Used Keras to implement POS tagging on Chinese news corpus Compare different models, and explored different skills to improve model performance
A case study on Jinjiang Literacy was taken to explore the factors influencing the subscription of an online literary work.