Prototype Design of Seven Seven Eight Food App
Prototype has been posted to Axure community, click here to view it.
We design our product through a procedure below:
1. User Inquiry & Persona
- User Research
We talked with different latent users and filled in a table for each user.
- Persona
We classified all the users into 5 types and made a persona for each type.- Young People
- College Students
- Middle-aged Persons
- Pregnant Women
- Mothers
- Comparison
Based on 5 types, we concluded 4 types of uses finally and made a comparison.
- Young People
2. Card Sorting & BluePrint
We used OptimalSort in this session.
- Card Sorting
We launched our hybrid cart sorting task in OptimalSort, click here to view it.
Participants were required to classify all the 17 functions depending on their thoughts.
The results are as below:- Standardization Grid
- Similarity Matrix
- Dendrogram
- Standardization Grid
- Blueprint
We made an initial blueprint based on results of card sorting, and then applied tree testing to optimize it.- Tree Testing
We launched our tree testing task in OptimalSort, click here to view it.
Participants were required to choose a path to finish a given task. We designed 6 tasks.
For each task, we collected participants’ performance data and formed a graph like below:
- Final Blueprint
After revising the initial blueprint with tree testing results, we got the final blueprint.
- Tree Testing
3. Task Model & User Journey
- Task Model
For each of the 6 tasks designed for tree testing, we designed a task model accordingly like below:
- User Journey
We synthesized the 6 simple tasks to 2 comprehensive tasks, and made 2 user journey.- Comprehensive Task 1: Finish an Afternoon tea.
- Comprehensive Task 2: Find a vegetarian restaurant and calculate heat quantity of a meal.
- Comprehensive Task 1: Finish an Afternoon tea.
4. Wireframe & Prototype
- Wireframe
- Prototype
We posted our prototype to Axure community, click here to view it.
Based on wireframes, we designed a prototype with Axure. Some representative functions are shown below.- Log in
- Search
- Post a recipe
- Detailed information
- Log in
Usability Testing
We designed 3 tasks and a 5-Point Likert Scale based on the tasks to test the usability of our app.
Gathering the data, we got some advice to improve our app.